Kolkata: A day after Congress leader Phulchand Sheikh was shot dead in front of his house in the Khargram area of West Bengal, Murshidabad witnessed uproarious scenes on Saturday during the filing of nomination papers for the upcoming panchayat polls. The state will go to panchayat polls on July 8.
The police also recovered a firearm from the possession of the Trinamool Congress zonal president. The opposition leaders raised questions about how the Trinamool leader was openly walking on the streets with a pistol tucked in his waist. On the other hand, violent clashes took place between the supporters of the Left Front and Trinamool in different parts of the state. The disturbances in the state continued for the second day as well.
The Left Front and Trinamool supporters were involved in a brawl in the Domkal area of Murshidabad district during the filing of nomination papers. The police recovered the pistol from the waist of Bashir Mollah, who is the Trinamool's zonal president of Saharanpur. In a video, a policeman was also seen taking out the firearm from the Trinamool leader's waist which went viral on social media.