Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee underwent minor surgery on her left knee at the state-owned SSKM Hospital here on Thursday. The process of pumping out fluid from her left knee was performed by the doctors. General secretary of the Trinamool Congress, Abhishek Banerjee, was accompanying the Chief Minister when she was discharged from the hospital. Abhishek went to see the Chief Minister after addressing a press conference at the Press Club Kolkata on Thursday evening. Panihati MLA Nirmal Ghosh was also accompanying Abhishek to the hospital. Ghosh enquired about the well-being of the TMC supremo.
It may be recalled that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had sustained injuries in her back and knee following an emergency landing of the chopper at Sevoke airbase near Siliguri in north Bengal on June 27. From there, she was taken to SSKM Hospital and was treated under the supervision of Dr Rajesh Pramanik.