Durgapur: As many as 15 workers were seriously injured, among which five are critical when molten hot iron spilled out of a private iron and steel factory in the Ghutgariya Industrial belt of Barajora in Bankura on Tuesday. The injured were first taken to Barajora Super Specialty Hospital. Later, with their condition worsening, 14 of them were brought to a private hospital here.
Barajora MLA Alok Mukherjee reached the Barajora Hospital after receiving the news. "It is an unfortunate incident. Factory authorities took quick action. Many of the workers are in critical condition. I wish them a speedy recovery. We are with the workers," Mukherjee said. The explosion took place in the blast furnace section on Tuesday around 11 am. Fourteen people were admitted to a private hospital in Durgapur around 1 pm.