Kolkata: The West Bengal police on Wednesday could not record the statement of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on the mob attack on the central agency's officials during a raid on January 5, as the officer concerned was "occupied", police said. A state police team went to the ED office to record the statement of the deputy director, who filed a complaint with the police on the attack on the ED officials at Sandeshkhali when they went to search the premises of Trinamool Congress leader Sahajahan Sheikh.
The officer leading the police team said that they could not speak to the ED deputy director who filed the complaint as they were informed that he was busy. "The complainant, deputy director of ED, is occupied," she told reporters while leaving the agency's office at Salt Lake here. She said that notice was sent thrice to the ED and this was the second time that the police team visited its office but was unable to speak to the complainant on the Sandeshkhali incident.
The ED has said that three of its officials were injured and their mobile phones, laptops and wallets "looted" when they went to Sandeshkhali in North 24 Parganas district to search the premises of Shajahan. The raid was in connection with the ration distribution scam. Sahajahan is absconding and the ED has issued a look-out circular against him, alerting all land, air and sea ports to stop his exit from the country.