Kolkata :A group of lawyers from West Bengal on Thursday wrote to the Chief Justice of India NV Ramana raising concerns over the alleged threat to a CBI judge presiding over Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal's case as they sought the transfer of the case outside West Bengal.
In their letter to CJI, the lawyers said, "We the practicing advocates of the High Court at Calcutta and other District Courts of West Bengal are shocked and filled with cold horror owing to a recent occurrence pertaining to a Court proceeding concerning a high-profile politician of West Bengal which is nothing less than a direct and brazen attack in the Justice delivery system."
The lawyers said that Special CBI Court, Asansol Judge Rajesh Chakraborty has been threatened by one Bappa Chatterjee by writing a letter addressed to him with the direct threat that if the bail of Anubrata Mondal, an accused in connection with the cattle smuggling case which is being investigated by the CBI, is not granted then the family members of the said judge will be implicated in some NDPS case showing seizure of narcotics in commercial quantity.
They said that such fact has already been already brought to the notice of the District Judge, Paschim Burdwan by Justice Rajesh Chakraborty. "The said accused namely Anubrata Mondal is a Birbhum District Trinamool Congress Party President and is highly influential person who is now in CBI custody in a cattle smuggling case. As such it is a matter of grave concern that Judicial Officers are attempted to be intimidated for the benefit of a highly influential politician in custody," the laywers wrote.
"We the general lawyers of Calcutta High Court and other District Courts of West Bengal are very concerned upon coming to know about such fact and strongly protest against such attack upon the judiciary. We beseech Your Lordship to take an appropriate step in the matter and to transfer the said case from West Bengal to any other state, so that the administration of justice may not be interfered with and/or hampered and the erring persons are punished accordingly," they urged.