New Delhi: A day after Balvinder Singh, whose turban was allegedly removed by West Bengal Police last week, was sent to police custody, Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar took to the microblogging site on Monday expressing concern over the "adversarial stance" of the state government.
"Concerned at adversarial stance @WBPolice @HomeBengal with all out effort to garner and manipulate support for inhuman treatment meted out #BalvinderSingh," he tweeted on Monday, suggesting Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to cap "such wrongs".
"Time @MamataOfficial for healing touch rather than be in justification mode. Law allows capping of such wrongs."
In another tweet, he recalled Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore a Bengali polymath who had returned his Knighthood title to the Queen of England following the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919.