Tindharia (West Bengal):Even as legendary actor and tragedy king Dilip Kumar passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 98, an air of sadness and nostalgia is prevailing in Tindharia, a hamlet in Darjeeling, where he had shot various iconic scenes for his Bengali movie 'Sagina Mahato'.
The scenes of Dilip Kumar dancing along the railway tracks on the famous song “Chotisi Panchi” is still alive in the memories of Tindharia old-timers and moments with his co-actress and later wife, Saira Banu are still alive. Most of the movies, directed by the legendary director, Tapan Sinha was shot in Tindharia in the seventies, at a time when Kumar was unparalleled among the Bollywood actors.
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The shooting, which continued for 20 days, was done along the toy-trains tracks, adjacent mountains and springs and also at Tindharia bungalow and at various other places.
At one of the shooting places at famous Glenary’s restaurant, the crowd was so huge that the main glass window of the restaurant cracked. For the purpose of shooting on the railway tracks and using the toy train in the scenes, the producers had to make a security deposit of Rs 20 to the railway authorities.