New Delhi:West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar on Tuesday slammed the Jadavpur University (JU) administration and the state government saying that there is a 'total collapse of the rule of law and state government has put education in captivity.'
"It's a very painful moment for me as a Chancellor and a Governor. Our students are waiting in the convocation to get their degrees...fruits of their hard-earned labour. Handfull of people...students not being there...are holding the system to hostage. Rule of law is collapsing; university management is doing nothing at all. The state administration is doing nothing at all," he said while talking to reporters here after being blocked outside the University by protesting students.
The Governor accused the state government of putting education in captivity.
"I cannot be a silent spectator. How can I afford as Chancellor to see students suffer? I appeal to the them...handfull of people playing with fire, ruining democracy...ruining education fabric...destroying the career of students," he said.
"There must be a public outcry at this. The state government has brought the situation at this level. I appeal to the government, I appeal to the Chief Minister that entire situation has been generated on account of lack of administration at her level...lack of administration by the University authorities," he added.
Recalling that he was here yesterday as well, he said, "I am again here today. Look at the conduct of VC -- what does he say -- sir I am helpless -- If you are helpless, give it up. As Governor, as Chancellor, I am not helpless. I will move the system. I cannot throw my hands in despair."
The Governor informed that he has instructed the Vice-Chancellor that convocation cannot proceed when Chancellor is not allowed to enter the University.