Kolkata (West Bengal): Trinamool Congress on Wednesday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi after petrol price crossed Rs 100-mark in Kolkata and said he must be in deep pain for the troubles that his dear 'deshwasiyon' (countrymen) face with such unimaginable hikes. Taking to Twitter TMC said, "100, not out! Petrol prices have crossed Rs 100/Ltr in Kolkata. We stand by Mr Narendra Modi amid such difficult times. While in hiding, we are certain that he is in deep pain for the troubles that his dear 'deshwasiyon' face with such unimaginable hikes! Modi Babu Petrol Bekabu" The price of petrol crossed Rs 100-mark in Kolkata today and stood at Rs 100.23 per litre.
The fuel prices continue to soar across the country and have crossed Rs 100 in many states. The petrol price is at Rs 108.63 per litre in Bhopal while in Delhi it stands at Rs 100.21 per litre. Rates have increased across the country and differ from state to state depending on the incidence of value-added tax. Earlier on Monday, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to 'substantially' reduce taxes charged by the Central government on petrol and diesel, and to 'check the overall inflationary trend in the country'.
Also read: Petrol nears Rs 100 per litre in Delhi with 35-paise hike