Kolkata: Trinamool Congress leadership, on Thursday, launched yet another scathing attack against West Bengal governor, Jagdeep Dhankar, hinting at his connection with the prime accused in Kasba fake vaccination scandal, Debanjan Deb. Trinamool Congress' Rajya Sabha member, Sukhendu Sekhar Roy flaunted a picture showing Debanjan Deb's security personnel, Arvind Vaidya in a picture along with the governor and his family member. He also alleged that the picture was clicked within Governor House.
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"Why was the bodyguard of imposter Debanjan Deb in Governor House. From the picture, you can understand the level and gravity of intimacy. We want the truth to be revealed. If the governor has links with the bodyguard of an imposter, then this phenomenon is harmful to the country," Roy said.
Since the fake vaccination scam was busted, BJP leadership had flaunted several pictures showing Deb with senior Trinamool leaders and ministers and alleged close connection of Deb with top leaders of the ruling party. Trinamool leadership has, however, denied the allegations. They claimed that mere presence in any picture does not prove anything. However, BJP leaders did not buy their logic. Now by faulting the picture of Deb's bodyguard with the Dhankar family, Trinamool made a clear attempt to connect Governor House with the scam.