New Delhi: A delegation of Trinamool Congress MPs met the Election Commission in Delhi on Thursday, demanding early by-polls to seven West Bengal assembly seats. The delegation of six Trinamool MPs included Sudip Bandyopadhyay, Saugata Roy, Derek O'Brien, Kalyan Banerjee, Sukhendu Sekhar Roy, and Dr Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar. The delegation has demanded early by-polls in West Bengal for the seven vacant assembly seats.
The elections were postponed in two of the seven assembly seats in the Samserganj and Murshidabad assembly seats, due to the death of two candidates. The remaining five seats - Bhawanipur, Santipur, Dinhata, Khardaha, and Gosaba fell vacant after the election results. In one of these seats, the successful candidate died while the four winning candidates resigned due to different reasons.
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According to the rules, in the event of any seat becoming vacant, the Election Commission has to conduct elections within six months. Two months have already passed so far in the state.