Kharagpur (West Bengal): Thachat Viswanath Narendran, the Chief Executing Officer (CEO) of Tata Steel Limited was appointed as the new chairman of the Board of Governors of IIT Kharagpur on Tuesday. The director of the institute welcomed the newly appointed chairman saying that he hopes the new chairman will take the institute to great heights.
Director Prof. VK Tiwari said, "We welcome TV Narendran as the new chairperson of the Board of Governors of IIT Kharagpur. As a man beholding technical and industrial supremacy, Narendran understands the needs of the society and the practical implications of industry-academia amalgamation with a technical institution."
Tiwari further said, "We look forward to his able guidance, constructive ideations and supportive encouragement in reshaping this institute for its future aspirations." Narendran worked as the chairman of Tata Steel Europe and Tata Steel Long Products Limited. While working for Tata Steel, Narendran also used to look after the organic and inorganic growth of Tata Steel.