Kolkata: Soon after the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) recovery of huge cash of over Rs 20 crore from model-actor Arpita Mukherjee, the frantic search for Arpita’s whereabouts began in no time. According to ED sources, she was a close associate of the current West Bengal industry minister Partha Chatterjee.
The photos posted by Suvendu Adhikari on social media prove that Arpita was associated with a famous Durga Puja in the southern part of the city and that’s how she got connected to Partha Chatterjee. Arpita Mukherjee is believed to have featured in the advertisements of the same Durga Puja committee.
It is learnt that Arpita has acted in a few Bengali, Oria and Tamil films. However, Trinamool Congress has denied any connection with her by saying that the money recovered has no links to the party. According to sources, Arpita owns multiple properties in the same posh complex in south Kolkata.