Kolkata :The Enforce Directorate raided yet another apartment linked to Arpita Mukherjee, the close associate of arrested West Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee, in the city's Chinar Park area after recovering around Rs 28 crore cash from another flat belonging to her. The raid by the ED, which is probing the money trail of the school jobs scam, was conducted late Thursday evening, an ED official said.
As the door of the flat was locked and the keys could not be traced, the ED sleuths broke it open in the presence of central force officers. "This (Chinar Park) apartment belongs to Arpita Mukherjee and we suspect that like her other flats cash may be stacked here as well," the ED official said.
We are talking to the neighbours and trying to find out what kind of activities were carried out here. The details of the Chinar Park flat was provided by Mukherjee herself during interrogation by the ED earlier in the day. In the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday ED sleuths had raided a flat belonging to Mukherjee in Belghoria area of the city and recovered around Rs 28 crore unaccounted cash besides large quantities of gold and silver.