Howrah: Prime Minister, Narendra Modi does not trust Bengalis, alleged singer-turned politician and Lok Sabha member, Babul Supriyo, who has recently joined Trinamool Congress from BJP. After coming back to Kolkata from New Delhi on Wednesday, the former Union minister of state, said that it is a fact that the Prime Minister does not trust Bengalis and that is evident from the fact that not a single MP from West Bengal was offered the berth of a cabinet minister in the Union government since 2014.
He also said that those who joined BJP from West Bengal failed as they did not have any coordination with the party's central leadership. According to him, the greatest example on this count is the BJP Lok Sabha member, Surinder Singh Ahluwalia, who joined BJP from Congress and got elected from West Bengal.
Commenting on his proposed resignation from the Lok Sabha he said that although he sought time from the Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla, the speaker did not give him time.
Commenting on the by-election in Bhabanipur, Supriyo said that the victory of West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee is assured. "She does not require any campaigning," he said.