Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said that the media should not execute a 'media trial', adding that the judiciary should be left alone to execute its functions and unearth the truth. She said this in an event related to handing over a part of the New Secretariat building to the High Court on Thursday.
Besides Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Chief Justice of High Court Prakash Srivastava was also present on this occasion. In front of the Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court, Mamata Banerjee requested him to not allow the media trial. "Please do not rely on any media trial. Sometimes they mislead. And misguide.
Sometimes a lie continues to be true. People trust courts because courts always rely on facts and evidence. So no media trial is acceptable. The same applies to our journalist friends. Do not attempt a media trial. No one should be defamed like this. Please spread authentic news. I don't mind if it is against me," the Chief Minister said.