Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said the entire north Bengal will witness development like never before in the days to come, as she listed out some of the plans her government has made for the region. Speaking at an event in Cooch Behar, organised on the occasion of local hero Chila Roy's 512th birth anniversary, she said that the state government was working tirelessly for the welfare of Rajbanshi, Gorkha, Lepcha, Bhutia and other communities in the six districts of north Bengal.
"We will create job opportunities for youth in all six districts. Believe in us, trust us. Don't misunderstand. And see what spurt in development takes place in north Bengal. The place will witness development like never before," she stated at the programme. Banerjee underlined that her government would spend Rs 300 crore to turn the district headquarters into a heritage town.