New Delhi: The CBI has found nothing "so far" against Mukul Roy, who switched from the Trinamool Congress to the BJP, and Lok Sabha TMC member Aparupa Poddar in the 2014 Narada sting tape case, while its application seeking sanction to prosecute four others including Suvendu Adhikari was pending with the Lok Sabha Speaker for over two years, officials said on Tuesday.
However, they added that the investigation is still open and no clean chit has been given to anyone.
The officials said the CBI had written to the Lok Sabha Speaker on April 6, 2019, for sanction to prosecute Suvendu Adhikari, Sougata Roy, Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar and Prasun Banerjee as all of them were members of the lower house when the alleged incident occurred.
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Adhikari, once a close confidant of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, joined the BJP in December 2020 and stole a narrow victory over Banerjee in his pocket borough Nandigram. He is the leader of opposition in the state assembly.
The case pertains to a purported sting operation conducted by Mathew Samuel of Narada TV news channel in 2014 wherein people resembling TMC ministers, MPs and MLAs were allegedly seen receiving "illegal gratification" from representatives of a fictitious company in exchange for favours, the CBI has alleged.
The infamous Narada scam tapes, which were clandestinely shot in 2014, were leaked ahead of 2016 assembly polls in West Bengal. However, it had no bearing on the poll results as Mamata Banerjee returned to power.
The CBI started an investigation into the case on the direction of Calcutta High Court in April 2017.
The agency had on Monday arrested and charge-sheeted West Bengal ministers Firhad Hakim and Subrata Mukherjee, TMC MLA Madan Mitra, and former TMC leader and erstwhile Mayor of Kolkata Sovan Chatterjee, after the governor gave the sanction to prosecute them on May 7.
IPS officer SMH Meerza, who is out on bail, was also among those charge-sheeted.
Among the 13 accused named by the CBI in its FIR, the officials said sanction for prosecution was not sought for Roy, who joined the BJP in November 2017, and Poddar, who is in TMC and is an MP from Arambagh, West Bengal.