Bolpur: Union Minister of State, Panchayati Raj Kapil Moreshwar Patil walked out in the middle of a Panchayat-level review meeting of the District Magistrate-Divisional Magistrate here on Saturday. The minister, who visited Bolpur in West Bengal's Birbhum district to hold a review meeting on the efficacy of central schemes including Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), Ayushman Bharat, Krishi Samman Nidhi and others, left the meeting in a huff, alleging non-cooperation on part of the state government.
Patil asserted that the District Magistrate as well as Sub Divisional Magistrates, who were supposed to be present for the meet, were absent and some other officials from the concerned departments were instead sent to the meeting.
Comparing the situation to other non-BJP-ruled states, he further noted that in those states he "got the support of the state government." "And here the DM is supposed to come, but he is not there. How will the meeting take place?" he also inquired.