Hindmotor (West Bengal):In a shocking incident, a 35-year-old man was found sitting next to his mother's body after locking the door of his residence from the inside for the last three days in Hind Motor of West Bengal's Hooghly district. The incident came to light when the locals informed the police on Saturday after the foul smell started emanating from the flat where the mother and son were staying.
On receiving the information, police personnel belonging to Uttarpara Police Station rushed to the spot broke open the door of the flat and found the man sitting next to his mother's corpse. The deceased was identified as Kalyani Hazra (65), a retired bank employee, who died three days ago. She used to stay with his son Subhranil Hazra (35), who was suffering from a mental illness. Later, the police shifted the body to the mortuary for conducting the autopsy.