Bankura (WB): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that West Bengal Chief Minister is insulting the Constitution by saying that she is not ready to accept him as prime minister of the country.
Addressing a rally here, Modi said "Didi (Banerjee) is publicly saying that she is not ready to accept the country's PM as the head of the nation, but she feels proud in acknowledging Pakistan PM as that country's prime minister."
He said Banerjee was insulting the Constitution out of her anxiety and fear of losing general elections.
The prime minister had tried to contact the chief minister to discuss cyclone Fani but could not do so as his calls were not returned.
Banerjee had said in a rally that she does not accept Narendra Modi as the prime minister of the country describing him as the "expiry PM" and that she will talk to the new prime minister after the election results.