Kolkata: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee and state law minister Moloy Ghatak along with the state government have filed fresh applications in the Calcutta High Court for their Narada case affidavits on Monday. The application came after the Supreme Court asked the Calcutta High Court to accept the affidavits in regard to the ongoing Narada case probe. The Calcutta High Court on June 9 had refused to accept the reply-affidavits of Mamata Banerjee and Moloy Ghatak. The court was urged by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta that the affidavits cannot be accepted on the ground of delay as they were filed after the completion of his arguments. The next hearing in the case is scheduled for June 29.
Mamata Banerjee and Moloy Ghatak moved the Supreme Court against the verdict and the vacation bench of Justices Vineet Saran and Dinesh Maheshwari, while setting aside the Calcutta High Court order refusing to accept the affidavits, asked the duo to file a fresh application in the High Court stating the reason for not filing it earlier, even as hearing in the Narada case had started on May 27 itself. The Supreme Court also asked the High Court to decide on affidavits filed by the ministers first before deciding on the CBI plea seeking transfer of the case.