Khejuri:West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Monday questioned why Ramnavami processions will be carried out for five days even after the festival is over. "Why would the Ram Navami procession go on for five days?" an annoyed Mamata Banerjee asked as she addressed people from the dais of a public meeting in Khejuri in East Midnapore. She appealed to the Hindus of the state to "protect the minorities".
Besides this, Mamata also advised everyone to be careful so that there is no unrest on Hanuman Jayanti on April 6. The Chief Minister said that strict action will be taken against the troublemakers on the day of Hanuman Jayanti. She expressed apprehensions that a major incident may happen in the state on April 6.
"Why will there be Ram Navami processions for five days? You can organise several such rallies on the day it is celebrated. We will have no objection... But, why do you carry arms with you," Mamata said at the public distribution programme here at Thakurnagar Ground. "They (BJP) are deliberately entering minority areas with such processions without permission. Yesterday in Rishra, too, they took out rallies in which people were seen with arms, she claimed.