Hyderabad:Launching a scathing attack against Speaker of the Lok Sabah Om Birla, Trinamool MP Mahua Maitra said that the Speaker is only giving BJP ministers a chance to speak, thereby preventing the Opposition from expressing their opinion. Maitra's claim follows the Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury who had written to Speaker on his microphone being muted for the past three days. Chowdhury's letter also elaborated on how the Ministers were leading from front in disrupting the House proceedings and defaming an individual member (Rahul Gandhi).
It is pertinent to note Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had in his recent trip abroad had accused the ruling saffron party of stifling the voice of Opposition in the Parliament. The BJP has been demanding that the Wayanad MP should apologise for having defamed India in the international fora while the Opposition has ruled out any apology. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge had categorically said there was no apology in order. Kharge recalled how Prime Minister Modi made a statement as to what sin one has done to be born in India and asked the Ministers to refresh their memories.
Moitra, in her tweet, said democracy in the country is being affected and that the speaker is leading the issue from the front. She even stated that she would not mind going to jail for making such a claim. "Last 3 days saw speaker @ombirlakota allow ONLY BJP ministers to speak on mike & then adjourn parliament with not single opposition member being allowed to speak. Democracy IS under attack. And the speaker leads from the front. And I am willing to go to jail for this tweet," she wrote.