Kolkata (West Bengal):Amidst the aftermath of violence-marred panchayat elections in West Bengal, the National President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Jagat Prakash Nadda, is gearing up for a strategic visit to the state later this month. Sources within the West Bengal BJP have revealed that Nadda's scheduled visit is set for August 12, a move that signals the party's determination to strengthen its presence in the state.
The political landscape is steadily heating up as India's 18th Lok Sabha elections approach, prompting party leaders to intensify their efforts to establish and extend influence. The BJP, commonly referred to as the saffron party due to its distinct colour symbolism, has already displayed a surge of enthusiasm after securing just over 10,000 seats in the recent rural polls in West Bengal. However, despite this electoral progress, the party is perceived to possess a comparative weakness in terms of organizational structure.
Addressing these organizational concerns has become a top priority for the central leadership of the BJP, as they seek to rectify these issues before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The central leadership had repeatedly stressed the importance of shoring up the party's organizational foundation in West Bengal, even before the panchayat elections were held. Several high-profile visits were originally planned, featuring stalwarts such as Amit Shah, JP Nadda, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Unfortunately, these visits had to be deferred due to the announcement of the panchayat elections.
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