Kolkata/Hyderabad: In a surprise development on Friday, former BJP national vice-president and MP from Krishnanagar North, Mukul Roy, has joined the Trinamool Congress. This comes after a meeting between Roy and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. His son Subhrangshu Roy also returned to the Trinamool Congress.
The event was preceded by a meeting between him and the top brass of TMC, including Mamata and TMC national secretary Abhishek Banerjee at the Trinamool Congress Bhavan in Kolkata. TMC top brass including Abhishek Banerjee was present at the meeting. "I have joined TMC today. In the present circumstances, no one will stay in Bharatiya Janata Party", said Roy after joining TMC.
During the press briefing, CM Banerjee was seen acting as a firewall for the veteran leader as she was kept repeating, "No one will ask bitter questions. It is his decision to join us. No questions would be entertained on his decisions."
Trinamool has a soft corner for their veteran leader
Whatever might be the case but political observers are of the opinion that Roy's equation with BJP is fast becoming strained allowing him to get closer to his earlier party and that was evident from several incidents in the last few days.