Kolkata: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) have locked horns with West Bengal Assembly Speaker, Biman Bandopadhya as both failed to sent representatives as per summons issued by the latter. West Bengal assembly speaker, Biman Banerjee issued summons to the central agencies to be present at the assembly premises at 1 pm on Wednesday. The representatives of the two central agencies were supposed to give explanations on why they summoned three elected MLAs of the state's ruling party, Trinamool Congress without the consent of the speaker.
ED through a letter and CBI, through an e-mail, expressed their inability to send their representatives to the assembly before the office of speaker, In the letter and email, both the agencies pointed out that the speaker did not have authority to summon their officers for explanation. Both the agencies also pointed out that whatever they have done were based on the legal provisions.