Kolkata: Trinamool Congress MP and former actor, Nusrat Jahan, refuted the allegations over her alleged involvement in duping a retired employees of Rs 24 crore. During a 10-minute press conference at Kolkata Press Club on Wednesday, Jahan strongly spoke about her innocence.
Nusrat abruptly left the conference after responding to a barrage of questions from the media. In a determined tone, she said, "I took a loan of Rs 1,16,30,285 from the company I was associated with to buy a new house. On May 6, 2017, I returned Rs 1,40,71,995 to the company, inclusive of interest. I possess the relevant bank documents. I am ready to challenge any insinuation of corruption. Not even a single penny has been misappropriated."
Addressing her delayed response to the allegations, Nusrat explained that she was engaged in an outdoor shoot when the accusations surfaced. "Those who are guilty have to offer clarifications, but I am not guilty of any wrongdoing and hence no clarification is needed", she added. Regarding the legal process, she said, "The law will take its own course in the matter. Though certain media outlets have sensationalised the matter, I have still faith in the legal system."