Kolkata (West Bengal): Congress MP Pradip Bhattacharya on Sunday projected Rahul Gandhi as the Opposition's face in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The Rajya Sabha MP further said, "Rahul Gandhi is a courageous leader, who boldly called out the misdeeds of the Modi government. The BJP tried to harass him but the Supreme Court cleared him in the defamation case. A new political chapter will soon be scripted under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi. I have no doubt that he will be the Opposition's face in the general elections next year."
Taking a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the veteran Congress leader said it was wrong for him to say that there was no development under Congress rule. "PM Modi keeps saying that nothing was done in the last 70 years. This is totally unacceptable. When PM Modi came from Gujarat to Delhi, did he make the journey on a bullock cart? When the Congress took the administrative reins of the country, it was in bad shape. It was the Congress, which took people into people into confidence about their plans to rebuild the country. So, for the PM to now say that nothing was done during the Congress rule is absolutely wrong," Bhattacharya said.