Kolkata:The West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Saturday summoned Leader of the Opposition Suvendu Adhikari in connection with the death of his bodyguard Subhabrata Chakraborty. Adhikari has been asked to be present at the CID headquarters in Bhawani Bhawan in Kolkata on Monday at 11 a.m.
Chakraborty allegedly shot himself dead in a police barrack in Purba Medinipur's Contai in 2018. As a state Armed Police personnel, Chakraborty was part of the Adhikari's security team who was then a Trinamool Congress MP.
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The death of Chakraborty took a significant turn when, in July this year, after Adhikari switched camp and joined BJP, Suparna Chakraborty, wife of Subhabrata Chakraborty lodged a complaint with Contai police station demanding a probe into her husband's death.
Following that, a fresh probe was launched by the West Bengal Police after registering the case under sections 302 and 120B of the IPC against unknown persons. The CID had taken over the responsibility for the investigation soon after.