Sonarpur (West Bengal):The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Saturday recovered the skeleton of a woman from the septic tank of a house where she lived in Sonarpur in West Bengal's South 24 Parganas. The woman's husband had murdered her and dumped her body three years ago.
The accused husband, Bhombal Mondal, who was earlier arrested on charges of murdering the woman, was released on bail due to lack of evidence against him. Bhombal and his wife, Tumpa rented a house in Sonarpur's Milanpally during the pandemic in 2020, Rupali, wife of Tapan Mondal, a local resident said. The couple stayed here for a while and one day Bhombal left the house, Rupali said. A few days later, a man claiming to be Bhombal's relative came to pay the rent and collected all the couple's belongings, she added.
Meanwhile, Tumpa's father Lakshman Mondal, a resident of Kultali of the district lodged a missing complaint at Sonarpur police station after he could not contact his daughter. In his complaint, Lakshman stated that Tumpa had gone missing since March 2020. Police filed a case and initiated an investigation in this connection. Investigators initially suspected Bhombal of murdering Tumpa and arrested him. But, he got bail as there was no evidence against him.