Kolkata: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday summoned West Bengal fire services minister Sujit Bose for interrogation in connection with the multi-crore municipalities' recuitment scam. Bose has been asked to be present at CBI's city headquarters at Nizam Palace at 11 am on August 31.
The summons were issued after CBI seized documents in regard to irregularities in recruitment process and found links of a few influential officials in it. According to the agency sources, Bose is being called for questioning in regard to his role in the recruitment process in Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation. There were allegations of rampant corruption in the recruitment process in the municipality in 2016. Trinamool Congress leader Bose was then the deputy chairman of South Dum Dum Municipality.
CBI has already conducted search operations in many municipalities in connection with the recruitment scam. Several documents were seized during the raids. Sources revealed that the investigating officers have received some important information after going through those documents.