Kolkata: During the probing of post-poll violence cases in West Bengal, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officers are seeing new cases of violence cropping up during the investigation. Till now, the CBI has been going to the doorsteps of the notified victims of violence for investigation. But now, new complainants are queuing up in front of the CBI camps to register new complaints.
CBI sources said that even some victims and their family members, whose cases are yet to be registered, have been rushing the CBI office in Kolkata to get their complaints registered. Sources further said that although the members of the CBI investigating teams are going to places in the state to investigate the cases, they are yet to reach out to all corners.
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"It seems that the visit of our team members to the districts and villages have brought courage in the shattered minds and more people are coming forward to register their complaints. It seems that they failed to register their complaints with the state police and hence, they are now rushing to our office and camps," a CBI source said on condition of anonymity.