Kolkata: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has submitted a report to the Calcutta High Court, saying that as many as eight properties of TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee's firm, Leaps and Bounds, have been seized. The ED estimated the value of one of these properties worth at around Rs 7.5 crore.
The ED lawyer provided this information about property seizure to the court of Justice Amrita Sinha on Tuesday. In the Leaps and Bounds case, the CBI and ED have submitted separate investigation reports to the single bench of Justice Amrita Sinha. The judge will hear the case again on Wednesday after examining the report. However, the judge ordered the joint director of ED and a senior medical officer of ESI Hospital to appear in court on Wednesday.
CBI lawyer Bilwadal Bhattacharya briefed the court about the report submitted in a closed envelope. The CBI said that in the preliminary investigation that there has been corruption in all aspects of recruitment, sources said. S Basu Roy & Company was a chartered accountancy firm till 2022, he said. Then suddenly they got the responsibility of preparing OMR sheets, according to the central agency's lawyer.