Kolkata:A single-judge bench of the Calcutta High Court on Thursday afternoon sought a report from the West Bengal government on the rape and murder of a minor girl at Kaliaganj in North Dinajpur district. The girl's body was found by the local people on April 21. While hearing the petition of the victim's father for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe in the matter, Calcutta High Court's single-judge bench of Justice Rajasekhar Mantha also directed the state government to furnish a copy of the said report to the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).
As per the order by Justice Mantha, the video recording and pictures of the post-mortem process of the victim's body have to be restored. The counsel for the petitioner argued in the court that the victim's body was dragged by policemen. "The victim's family is yet to be provided with the post-mortem report. The last rites are yet to be conducted. In such a situation it is virtually impossible to rely on a probe by the state police," the petitioner's counsel argued.