Asansol (West Bengal): In a horrific scene, the body of a BJP leader with bullet wounds was found in a Scorpio car on the roadside of the National Highway-19 on Saturday. The incident took place in Bogra Kalimandir under Jamuria police station limits in Asansol. The deceased has been identified as Rajendra Shaw (40).
Shaw hailed from the Ranisayer area of Raniganj police station of Asansol. He was the BJP convener for Ward No. 33 of Asansol Municipality. On Saturday afternoon, local residents suspected that a Scorpio car was lying on the side of the road for a long time. They grew suspicious and saw a bloody body inside and informed the police. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and sent the body to Asansol District Hospital for post-mortem. Initially, the body could not be identified, but later it was found that it was BJP leader Rajendra Shaw.