Malda (West Bengal): A young woman, aged 25, passed away en route to a rural hospital in West Bengal's Malda district. Her family had attempted to transport her on a charpoy after being denied service by ambulances and local vehicles due to the poor condition of the road connecting their village with the medical facility.
The victim Mamuni Roy's family members found themselves in a challenging situation as they attempted to transport her to Modipukur rural hospital on Friday. Mamuni had been unwell for a few days, and her family decided to carry her on a charpoy from their village Maldanga to the hospital, which was approximately four-and-a-half kilometers away in the Bamangola area.
Unfortunately, they were unable to secure an ambulance or any local vehicle to undertake the journey due to the treacherous road conditions. Kartik Roy, Mamuni's husband, expressed their predicament and the necessity to resort to using the cot for transportation. He said they had to carry her to the rural hospital on the cot as no ambulance or any local vehicle was willing to risk the perilous journey due to the poor condition of the road.