Kolkata:The Calcutta High Court on Friday directed the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education to cancel the jobs of 1,911 Group D employees, who were given appointments in state government-sponsored and-aided schools illegally, following manipulation of their recruitment examination results. The order came after the court found that the 1,911 candidates had got the recommendation owing to manipulation of their OMR sheets for the recruitment examination in 2016 for Group D employees.
Bengal school jobs scam: Cal HC orders WBBSE to cancel jobs of 1911 illegally appointed Group D staff
The Calcutta High Court on Friday directed the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education to cancel the jobs of 1,911 Group D employees amid SSC scam.
File Picture- Calcutta HC
Their names were recommended by the School Service Commission to WBBSE. Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay directed the WBBSE to cancel the appointment of the 1,911 candidates, whose names had been wrongly recommended by the SSC. The court also directed Subires Bhattacharya, who was the chairman of the SSC at the time of publication of results for the 2016 examinations, to disclose the names of persons who asked to manipulate the results. (PTI)
Bengal school jobs scam