Alipurduar:Leader of the opposition in West Bengal and BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari has taken a jibe at the state police after a police officer was seen purportedly speaking at a TMC campaign meeting ahead of the state Panchayat elections. In a Twitter post on Tuesday, Adhikari alleged that OC Madarihat Gourav Hasda was speaking at a TMC booth level meeting at Hantapara in Alipurduar District.
While uploading a purported video of the event, Adhikari said that the cop was campaigning for the TMC. The BJP leader, in a sarcastic jibe, said that State Election Commission is relying on West Bengal Police for conducting free and fair Panchayat lections but the OC Madarihat Shri Gourav Hasda can be seen speaking at a TMC booth level meeting at Hantapara in Alipurduar District.
"OC Madarihat Shri Gourav Hasda can be seen speaking at a TMC booth level meeting at Hantapara; Alipurduar District. He seems to have taken on the mantle of TMC Block President! WB State Election Commission is relying on @WBPolice for conducting free & fair Panchayat Elections !!!" tweeted Adhikari.