Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will be admitted to SSKM Hospital on Thursday for minor surgery. According to hospital sources, the chief minister is suffering from effusion (accumulation of fluid) in her knee. After the surgery, she will have to keep her leg straight for about 24 hours which is why she is likely to stay in the hospital.
Elaborate security arrangements have been made at the hospital where the chief minister will undergo the surgery. She will be admitted to cabin number 12-and-a-half in Woodburn Ward. According to sources, CCTV cameras have been installed around the cabin.
It may be recalled that Mamata Banerjee had sustained injuries in her back and knee during an emergency landing of her chopper at Sevoke airbase near Siliguri in North Bengal on June 27. From there she was taken to SSKM Hospital. After arriving at the hospital, she underwent an MRI, which showed injuries to left knee and hip joint ligaments.