Kolkata: India's popular dairy product Amul on the day of Janmashtami on Friday morning borrowed a line from Rabindranath Tagore's verse 'Kesta Betai Chor' (Kesta is the thief) in their latest butter advertisement and immediately caught the attention of netizens. Amul has now gone on to hit the billboards with the punchline "Kesta Betai Chor", which drew a hilarious parallel with the current episodes in West Bengal politics, where the ruling Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal, whose nickname is Kesto, and lovingly referred to as Kesta — was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in connection with cattle smuggling case that has been lingering for quite some time now.
Amul borrows a line from Tagore's verse in latest advt, catches netizens' attention
Dairy product Amul on Friday morning has borrowed a line from Rabindranath Tagore's verse, which drew a hilarious parallel with the current episodes in West Bengal politics.
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Apparently, this line is the most famous and widely read line from Tagore's poem 'Puratan Bhritya'. But now, this 'Kesta' has a political connotation. Adding 'thief' to it is also controversial. Because the CBI has recently arrested Mondal on suspicion of involvement in a cow smuggling case. He is currently in CBI custody. Every Bengali staying in different parts of the world could thoroughly relate it to the recent happenings in state politics.