Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday alleged that Union Home Minister Amit Shah was conspiring to dislodge the elected government in the State. Speaking to reporters at the State Secretariat a combative Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo asked under which law Shah was speaking about dislodging the State Government.
Earlier, the Union Home Minister at a party rally in West Bengal's Birbhum district said that if BJP gets 35 seats in West Bengal in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, then the Mamata government will fall before 2025 indicating that her government will not complete a full five-year term. Shah also said that no matter how much Mamamata tries she will not be able to make her nephew Abhishek Banerjee the next Chief Minister of West Bengal.
Accusing the Union Home Minister of violating the constitutional norm, Mamata asked how can he claim to dislodge the TMC government if BJP gets 35 seats in West Bengal in the next Lok Sabha election.
" The Home Minister has violated constitutional norms. Instead of ensuring the country's safety, he is hatching conspiracies," said Mamata. She also asked under which law Shah was speaking about dislodging the State government. " Is the Constitution being changed?" said Mamata adding that Shah has no moral right to continue in the post of the Union Home Minister after making such remarks.