Kolkata:In a chilling reminder of Kerala’s Pathanamthitta district incident where two women were allegedly sacrificed for prosperity, a person, under the influence of a black magician (Tantric) was arrested in Kolkata allegedly for killing a minor girl in the neighborhood with the hope of getting a child.
A gruesome incident occurred on Sunday in Kolkata's Tiljala, where a person identified as Aloke Kumar confessed before the police that he murdered his neighbor’s seven-year-old daughter under the influence of a black magician. The accused, a resident of Bihar, was hoping to be blessed with a child after being advised by a tantrik to sacrifice a minor girl.
Investigations revealed that Aloke's wife had suffered three miscarriages, which led him to seek the tantrik's advice. The accused has reportedly confessed to murdering the child as per the tantrik's instructions.
The deceased girl was reported missing on Sunday morning after going out to dump the garbage. When the girl didn't even after 12 hours, her family approached the Tiljala police station and reported that they had seen the girl going into the neighbor's house. However, the police allegedly did not initiate any investigation at that time. Later, the police discovered a bag in the neighbor's flat, which upon opening, revealed the deceased girl's body. The family alleged that the accused had slit her throat and severely injured her before killing her.