Kolkata: Trinamool Congress (TMC) all-India general secretary Abhishek Banerjee on Saturday moved Supreme Court against the Calcutta High Court's order on Thursday allowing ED and CBI to question him in the Kuntal Ghosh letter case in connection with the alleged multi-crore recruitment scam in West Bengal schools. This comes even as Banerjee went to the CBI office in Kolkata's Nizam Palace this morning to appear for questioning in the same case. The CBI had summoned Banerjee on Friday, a day after the Calcutta High Court dismissed Banerjee's plea and allowed the agency to interrogate the TMC leader.
After arriving at the CBI office at around 11 am, Banerjee handed over a letter informing the agency that he has moved the apex court challenging the high court's decision. In the letter, Banerjee stated that he was given less than a day's time to comply with the CBI notice though it was known that he was on a district tour as part of a mass outreach programme ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.