Kolkata (West Bengal) : Miffed at Calcutta High Court judge Justice Gangopadhyay's purported verbal attacks, Trinamool Congress All India general secretary Abhishek Banerjee has approached the Supreme Court for a respite. Abhishek Banerjee urged the apex court to take action against Justice Gangopadhyay.
The Trinamool MP demanded that a specific bench should be constituted and all recruitment-related cases should be heard there if necessary. In fact, the way Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay is commenting on Abhishek outside the court has embarrassed the TMC leader, sources said. That's why he requested that action be taken against the judge.
The TMC leader is allegedly upset about the manner in which in the recent past, Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay has repeatedly commented on certain pending matters outside the court. In fact, a few days ago, Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay raised questions about Abhishek Banerjee's property. The judge asked in front of the media, what is the source of Abhishek Banerjee's wealth.