Chamoli: The world famous Valley of Flowers opened for visitors in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand for tourists on Thursday, officials said. An official said that more than 600 species of flowers will bloom in the Valley of Flowers this season which will remain open for the visitors till Oct. 31 this year. The Valley of Flowers located at an altitude of about 12,500 feet above sea level in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, is home to some endemic flower species.
The Valley of Flowers is spread over an area of about 87 sq km. Here tourists get to see many wildlife along with different species of flowers and flora. The valley was granted the status of world heritage site by the UNESCO on July 17, 2005. Every year a large number of tourists from India and abroad come to see the Valley of Flowers.
Also read:UNESCO World Heritage Valley of Flowers opens for tourists