New Delhi: With speculations rife over the tenure of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat, Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) President JP Nadda held a meeting with the chief minister to discuss the upcoming bypolls in the state. Speaking to the media about his meeting with BJP president, Rawat said, "We discussed the upcoming elections. We discussed the development of the state and the work to bring the schemes of the Centre on the ground. We discussed taking those schemes to the people of Uttarakhand."
"The opposition is nowhere in front of the public. It is the Election Commission's decision to conduct a by-poll in the state. We will move forward with whatever strategy the Centre decides," he added.
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As per the sources, Uttarakhand Chief Minister has approached the Election Commission today with a request to hold a by-poll in the state. Rawat rushed to New Delhi on Wednesday after he was summoned by the party leadership following the conclusion of a state BJP meeting in Nainital.