Pithoragarh (Uttarakhand): The court of Special Sessions Judge Shankar Raj has sentenced a Nepalese woman, who had escaped from jail ahead of her conviction, to 20 years of rigorous imprisonment in a case of charas smuggling, sources said on Saturday. Besides the jail sentence, the court also imposed a fine of Rs 1.5 lakh on the woman.
In case of non-deposit of the fine, the convict will face an additional sentence of five years. The sentence came on a plea by DGC Pramod Pant and ADGC Prem Bhandari in a case of drug smuggling dating back to the year 2021.
Case background: According to the government advocate, the accused Anushka Budhatho, originally a resident of Darchula Dumaling, Nepal, was caught in the year 2021 with 1.4 kg of charas at Dharchula Jhulapul. She was smuggling the contraband from Nepal to India by tying it to her body. Following her arrest by the police, a case was registered against her under the NDPS Act at Dharchula Police Station Kotwali.