Nainital: In a tragic incident, an unborn child died inside the womb of a woman due to asphyxiation in Uttarakhand's Nainital, officials said on Tuesday. The incident has been reported from the Tallital area of Nainital where a couple lit a fireplace in the room of their house on Friday night and went to sleep on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday.
Also read:6 family members die of asphyxiation in Maharashtra
The couple was found unconscious on Saturday morning by the locals, who rushed the husband-wife to BD Pandey Hospital in critical condition. While the couple recovered, the woman's eight-month-old foetus died in the womb, Dr LMS Rawat, Chief Medical Superintendent of BD Pandey Hospital, said on Tuesday.
The woman has been admitted to the hospital for 24-hour health check-up and monitoring, he said. The woman's husband has already been discharged from the hospital after treatment. These days cold wave is prevailing in north India due to the winter season. According to the Meteorological Department, there will be no relief from the cold for the next three days. The minimum temperature in Delhi was recorded at 5.3 degrees Celsius.