Haldwani: In a shocking incident, a toddler girl was allegedly raped by a laborer from West Bengal in Kotabagh of Kaladhungi police station area in Uttarakhand's Haldwani on Friday. The accused has been arrested and booked under the POCSO Act. Kaladhungi police station in-charge Nandan Singh Rawat said that the incident took place at an under-construction resort in Chandpur village of Kotabagh.
The victim's parents from Katihar district of Bihar work as laborers at the site. On Friday afternoon, while the couple was away, the accused (42) barged inside their hut and raped the girl, police said. When the girl's parents returned home, they found her in a blood-soaked condition and took her to the Kotabagh PHC, where doctors referred her to Higher Center Sushila Tiwari Hospital.